Submitted by: Samuel Peterson

Do you have various health problems due to which you are unable to gain weight or keep your body healthy? Millions of people across the world have different health problems that can lead them into various other problems like weakness and iron deficiency. Hence, people always go for some kind of health supplements and vitamin pills that can help them stay healthy and charged up. Vitamin pills are the most common kind of health supplements that people take to make sure that they are able to work the entire day without feeling any fatigue or tiredness, but do they really work?

In most cases, vitamin pills are consumed by individuals without any prior consent of their doctor and therefore people taking vitamin pills don’t even know whether the pills they are taking will have any effect or side effect on their body. Today, vitamin pills are transforming into a new shape and you can find liquid vitamins available in the medical store. There are different kinds of vitamin pills like for Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K and Vitamin B complex. Among different kinds of vitamins, Vitamin B complex pills are said to be the most common because they are water soluble. Hence, even if you consume extra vitamins they will flushed out of your body through urine or perspiration.

In one of the science journals related to health it was said that vitamin pills are soon becoming the easiest way for the pharmaceutical companies to earn more profit. This is because there are more people consuming vitamin pills every single day. Hence, most pharmaceutical companies are interested in coming up with new vitamin pills for the people. However, these vitamin pills do not have anything extra in them. These vitamin pills have very little proportion of vitamins that is consumed by our body within minutes and therefore the effect of such pills is only temporary.


The popularity of vitamin pills have exceeded beyond imagination and therefore you can find that vitamin pills are now available for different health problems like vitamin pills for pregnant women, vitamin pills for increasing semen volume, vitamin pills for acne treatment, vitamin pills for boosting sexual potency and fertility. However, the process of vitamin pills makes vitamin pills very chalky and consumers can feel a powder effect on their tongue after they had consumed such pills. These vitamin pills contain different kind of vitamins in different proportions to tackle different health problems.

However, researchers are now claiming that liquid vitamins are far better than vitamin pills because they react instantly and get mixed with blood to provide instant boost. Vitamin pills might take time to dissolve inside us and therefore you might have to wait for few minutes before the pills actually begin to react. Although, vitamin pills might not harm your body in the long term it is always recommended that you talk to it with your doctor before you take any of the vitamin pills that are available in medical stores over the counter.

About the Author: I’m the head copywriter for

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